The last few nights have gone real well. Gabe and Deni are doing fine and as you can see by Deni's shirt, Gabe is producing fine. We will see how his weight is doing on Monday.
Wendy lady and the lost boys showed up to see Gabe. Fun was had by all. Uncle Brian needed a little instruction on holding Gabe, but he did fine in the end.
We have a very happy mommy. Gabe's blood levels dropped today. The doctor said he is out of the light box.
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
As you can see Gabe is a little Jaundice. We had to get a light box for him to stay in. Hopefully, he will only have to be in it a couple of days. Makes for a heart breaker because you can't pick him up when he cries
Eat, sleep and be merry. We have had a few visitors. But have gotten lots of rest. As Hershey shows, mom is not the only one who is tired.
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