Grace went to the doctor this morning for her 2 month check-up. We saw Dr. Mescia; he is terrific. Grace weighs 10 lbs. 8 oz. She is 22 1/4 inches. She is in the 50th percentile for everything. Dr. Mescia said that she is perfect . . . we knew that!
She got four shots today. I have never heard her cry so hard; she even cried while I tried to nurse her. I felt so bad for her! She has been alright this afternoon. We gave her some Tylenol because she woke up from her nap crying like she was in pain. It seems to have helped.
You do not choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them. -Desmond Tutu
Monday, December 31, 2007
Sunday, December 30, 2007
AUNT Stacey and Uncle Ed
Eddie: Congratulations! We are so proud of you! You have chosen a wonderful woman to spend your life with.
Stacey: Yea!!! We are so happy that you are going to officially be a member of our family. We wil be proud to have you carry the Holdaway name, should you choose to do so. Congrats, Congrats! Can't wait to see the ring . . . my brother obviously has good taste!
Friday, December 28, 2007
Playdate with Sam
Gabriel had a playdate with Sam this afternoon. The boys played with Elmo toys and colored before lunch. Pineapple was the hit of lunch time -- very little else was eaten. Then they went to the basement for some more playtime. It was a fun afternoon. Thanks for coming over to play, Sam. We can't wait to do it again!

Watching Barney on TV during lunch.
Say, "Cheese!" boys!
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Xmas Morning
We started Christmas morning with breakfast and gifts. After our guests went home, Mommy, Gabriel, and Grace caught a nap. Then we went to Grandma and Papa's for dinner. It was a wonderful day. Thank you to everyone for the gifts and the wonderful company. We feel truly blessed to have such a wonderful family.
Uncle Brian and Erin look at gifts with Gabe.
Papa and Gabe cheese for a picture.
Grandma helps Gabe with his Radio Flyer inch worm.
Uncle Brian sets up Gabe's new race track.
Enjoying coffee and presents --- Uncle Ed, Uncle Brian, and Erin
Grampy, Uncle Rob, Bobby, Ben and Gramma
Gabriel loved opening presents, even if they weren't his!
Daddy mans the video camera to catch the special moments.
Grandma and Gabe look at the Play Doh that Santa brought.
Enjoying breakfast before opening gifts

Grace was trying to eat her hands at breakfast. Anything coming out of those, Grace?
Silly, Gabe! Uncle Brian carried Gabriel down the stairs by his feet to see what Santa brought.
Ben watches while Gabe dances around the basement with his life-sized Elmo. Thanks, Uncle Ed and Stacey! Elmo was a hit!
Xmas Eve at Cousin Alice's
Xmas Eve at Uncle Mark's House
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Santa . . . FINALLY

Trying to get the kids' picture taken with Santa has been quite a challenge this year. Every time that we have planned to go have their picture taken with Santa somewhere, one of them has been sick, they napped past Santa's time at a location, Santa's visit was cancelled due to an ice storm, etc. Today we decided to go to the mall and pay the outrageous price for Santa pictures. We got to the mall at 2:50 PM and were told by an "elf" that Santa was taking lunch from 3:00-4:00 PM; we would have to wait. AAAARG!! Dan took Gabe to the play area in the mall. I took Grace for a walk to keep her sleeping and then took a place in line at 3:30. I think that the picture turned out nice, but the whole Santa picture experience put some Bah-Hum-Bug in my holiday. I think this close to Christmas, Santa should only get a half hour lunch. Sorry, Santa!
Evening at Grandma and Papa's
We had some Mark's Feedstore carry out at Grandma and Papa's house tonight after a quick, last minute trip to the mall. Thank for having us for dinner, Grandma and Papa!
Friday, December 21, 2007
Unfortunately Gabe wasn't feeling well tonight. He asked to take a nap when he got home from Staci's house, and he had a fever of more than 101 when he woke up. The real tip that he was sick though . . . he didn't eat any dinner. My poor baby!
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