We had a fun day yesterday with the McAfee's at the Louisville Science Center. Jake and Grace are the littlest of our monkeys.

The biggest monkeys in the crew are Dan, Ben, and Bobby.

Alicia demonstrated for Sam and Gabriel how the pulleys work.

Meanwhile, Grace did a little construction project of her own.

Then the kids found the water table. They had fun, but they ended up soaking wet.

Sam thought this sprinkler was pretty neat.

The next thing in the The Kid Zone was a craft.

Grace made herself this crown. She is such a fashionista!

Before moving to the IMAX, the kids played on an ambulance.

We saw "The Light Before Christmas" in the IMAX theater. It was a cool movie for the little kids.

Gabriel participated in a hand washing experiment to see how many germs he could get off of his hands. He did a very thorough job.

Ben showed Grace what to do to hear the sound of hiccups.

Ben and Gabriel tried to synchronize the beating of the giant heart.

This was the germ kitchen. YUCK!

Dan and I played some virtual volleyball. Ha!

Sam and Gabriel drove a car in a drunk driving simulation.

Grace checked out some animals.

This was a funny moment. Alicia was talking to Sam, Gabriel, and Grace about caves and giving a very nice explanation of what they were seeing in the exhibit. Then she said something like "Right, Sam?" Sam had already taken off. I'm not sure he heard a word of her explanation.

Gabriel and Ben did a spaceship simulator.

The kids played with a few gears on the wall.

As we were leaving, Sam put himself in a giant bubble. It was very cool!
Thanks, McAfee's, for going with us. We had a great time. There was so much to do that I'd love to go back and see more.