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Sunday, October 04, 2009

Friday in WVA

After breakfast the kids --- all of them --- went out to the road to play.
April pulled Little Gabe and Kelly in the wagon.
This is one of my favorite pictures of the entire weekend. I love my boys!
We made some Rice Crispie treats to share with all of our friends in the next cabin. Of course, we had to do some quality control before sharing.
Cassidy and Grace cut out butterfly, flower, and heart shapes from the Crispie treats.
A while later, we had an Easter egg hunt at Candi, Wayne, and Cassidy's cabin. Here are Radar, April, and Little Gabe hunting eggs.
Big Gabe checked out his loot from the eggs he found. He helped himself to his sister's loot too.
Wayne was Grace's favorite person Friday.
Cassidy and Grace hammed it up for Wayne's camera.
Mariam is going to school to be a massage therapist. Dan took advantage of her need to "study."
The kids and I made Valentine cards before dinner.
This is my second favorite picture of the weekend. Gabriel wouldn't put down his apple to go to the bathroom.
For dinner, we went to Aunt Sandy's cabin for a 4th of July cookout. Cassidy posed with Rocky.
It wouldn't be a 4th of July cookout without watermelon!
Aunt Sandy and Rocky had a pinata for the kids to enjoy. April, Little Gabe, Austin, and Kelly check it out before the beatings begin.
Big Gabe gave it his best shot.
Grace gave an A+ effort too.
A much bigger cousin, Craig, was able to smash the pinata and let the little ones at the loot.

If you haven't guessed yet, each cabin had a different holiday theme. We had activities planned for each holiday since this is the only time we are all together. We celebrated Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, Easter, 4th of July, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's Eve all in one weekend. No wonder we're pooped!


Jaime Mac said...

OK, I'm glad you explained the holiday thing, 'cuz I was like what the heck is going on?! Cool idea though!! :)

A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

i love the idea!! i think it's neat! we missed you guys at the party.....especially sam!! grace!!! :)