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Monday, January 03, 2011

Grace Starts Preschool

Grace started preschool today at the same preschool Gabriel has gone to for the past year. She was so excited this morning she was about to bust! As I left Gabriel this morning, he plopped down in his usual chair at preschool and exclaimed that it was the most horrible day of his life. (HA!) He told me that Daddy had instructed him to take care of Grace, and now he couldn't do anything. I reassured him that the teachers are paid to take care of Grace, and he could go about his business as usual. I reminded him, though, that as the big brother, it is his job to look out for and protect his younger sister.
Grace sat right down with three Bridgepoint students and started to color and talk to them just like she was one of the gang. She seemed so grown up . . . so mature for the ripe old age of THREE. She had a great day today! She was complimented on how well she used her manners all day. (Thank you to Mrs. Staci for always making manners a priority.) When she got home tonight, she was exhausted!

Funny story
This weekend Gabriel and Grace were discussing her up-coming first day at preschool. Gabriel informed Grace that she was going to have to learn to write her name in preschool. She informed him that she can spell her name, "E-L-L-N-O-R . . . Gracie!" I felt bad about it, but Dan, Gabriel, and I started laughing so hard. It was just a priceless moment.


A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

HILARIOUS!!! She is so big!! Starting preschool.... tear! :)

Jaime Mac said...

Oh she is becoming quite the young lady!
BTW-I feel Gabriel's pain...I was 2 grades above my brother in school & I ALWAYS had to show him to his class the first day, etc.
Little siblings are a drag, Gabe! ;)

the lewis gang said...

wow! i didn't know she was going to be doing that! i can't imagine what it will be like when my baby goes to preschool!!! you didn't even look like you had been crying!