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Sunday, November 06, 2011

Grace's First Sleep-over

Saturday night Grace and Cassidy arranged to have another sleepover. This time they wanted to stay in Cassidy's cabin. I didn't think it was a big deal, but it truly became another milestone for me. It is another sign that my baby is not a baby anymore. It is another check mark on the list of items kids do as they grow up, and I was having a hard time with two kids each hitting a milestone in one weekend. Grace was so excited to pack up and go sleep at Cassidy's cabin. They left the Halloween at Aunt Barbara's at 8 p.m. They didn't even stay for the movie on the big screen!

About 10 p.m. Mom and I went to the Tomlin's cabin to give Grace some things for her sleepover, and she was having a ball. She was eating popcorn, drinking chocolate milk, and watching Dora. The girls' beds were made on the floor, and they were having a ball. Oh my!

About 6 a.m. we got a knock on our cabin door. Wayne was bringing her home. She woke up about 5:30 and started putting her shoes on. She was planning to walk to our cabin, in the dark and cold, by herself . . . gasp! Luckily, Wayne caught her and brought her back in his truck. She had told him that she wanted her Mommy, and she was ready to leave. I took her into our bedroom and tucked her in between Dan and me. Dan and I cuddle her close and told her to go back to sleep for awhile which she happily did. I suspect she got cold in the night and didn't know any other way to get warm except come to Mommy and Daddy's bed. That's what she does at home when she gets cold, and quite frankly I was happy that she missed me enough to come home early. I missed her too . . . despite the fact that she was only three cabins away.

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