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Saturday, August 20, 2011

Fun Saturday

The kids and I have had a great day today! We started our day with some cartoons, breakfast, and cuddle time. Then we headed to Grandma and Papaw's house. Grandma and I had some shopping to do. Grace wanted some "girl time" with Mommy and Grandma. Gabriel wanted to play Grandma's Wii.

Shopping done . . . check.
Girl Time, Including a Starbuck's treat . . . check.
WAY more Wii Time than normally allowed . . . check.
Chick-Fil-A for lunch . . . check.
New coloring book and twisty crayons . . . check.
Kids playing together like angels for the entire evening . . . check.
Dinner provided by the neighbor . . . check.
A wonderful Saturday . . . check!

Here is the rest of the day:
Grandma went next door to water the neighbor's plants for her and somehow the kids ended up getting watered too.
I love their expressions in this picture.

Grace had asked first thing in the morning to go to the park, and I assured her that we would make time later in the day. I'm a mommy of my word, so after a good soaking, we went to the park to play.
Grace's skirt was a little too big, so she spent the entire day pulling it up. At the park she was swinging on a bar, and her skirt fell completely to her knees. It was pretty funny. Even a little boy laughed at her. Luckily, Grace is a good sport. She pulled her skirt up while laughing at herself and kept going.
At the park Gabriel was pretending to be a warrior who was protecting Princess Grace. I was the bad guy. In the picture above Grace was pretending to be dead.
We had a few last moments at the park.
Both kids decided to spend their last few minutes swinging. Then something suddenly called to us . . . .
What got them so excited, you ask???
An ice cream truck of course!!! Yes, we all (Grandma, Papaw, me, Gabriel, and Grace) had an ice cream from the ice cream truck! You know, summer won't be here forever, so we're going to enjoy it while we can!

1 comment:

the lewis gang said...

summer fun never gets old!! you gotta squeeze every drop you can!