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Lilypie 7th Birthday Ticker

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Lilypie Sixth Birthday tickers

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Wednesday, January 07, 2009


Grace has been quite the little chatterbox lately. She tries to mimic everything we say and do; it's often quite comical. The most surprising thing to me is how many words she consistently tries to say recently. As of today, here are the words that she uses: Mama, Daddy, hi, bye, nightie-night, all done, Elmo, animal, grandma, more, up, ball, baby, uh-oh, and Staci. I suppose the reason I'm so surprised by her language development is because Gabriel did not start talking until 16 or 17 months. Grace is doing everything faster because she has a big brother to model after.

We are also teaching Grace more sign language than we taught Gabriel. Though she prefers the point and grunt method of communicating, she is picking up signs pretty quickly. She uses bye-bye, all done, eat, more, and milk consistently. We working on drink, up, down, thank you, nightie-night, and help.

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