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Lilypie 7th Birthday Ticker

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Lilypie Sixth Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Friday, February 06, 2009


Gabriel has done really well with potty training this week. I think only ONE day this week, he was wearing a different Pull-up than the one I took him to Staci's in. Today he POOPED in the toilet at Staci's. This is a HUGE breakthrough for us! He is doing so well at Staci's house because the other boys are really pulling for him and encouraging him. They show him their underwear and tell him that it's cool to wear underwear. The other thing that helps is that he does not argue and debate with Staci like he does us. When she tells him to go try to potty, he does it. At home telling him to go to the potty results in a tantrum.

Gabriel has told us for MONTHS that he would peepee in the potty when he's three. I have made a calendar for him with his birthday marked. We are putting a sticker on each day leading up to his birthday. When he turns 3 the deal is that he has to wear underwear like a big boy. Cross your fingers for us! We're really proud of him for his accomplishment today!


the lewis gang said...

yea for you, gabe! i know you can do it! be ready to encourage jackson this summer!

A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

WAHOO!!!! i was hoping this was a post about potty training when i saw the title!!!