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Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Slippin' and Slidin'

So . . . you'd never have known this evening that the kids had been sick for the last two days.
Both kids ran fevers yesterday and stayed with Great Grandma Mickey and Grandma today instead of going to daycare.
They both ate great dinners and were EAGER to go outside and play in the hose.
They specifically asked that we put the "sliding mat" in front of the slide so they wouldn't "hurt their bottoms."
Dan and I happily obliged.
They had a blast sliding down the slide and across the yard.
You should have heard their giggles.
Grace kept saying, "This is awesome!"

Yeah, I got in on the action too. I didn't volunteer to get in the water; Dan did that for me. But once I was wet, I decided to join the fun.

I love this picture! Grace is actually in the air!

After Dan and I got the kids in bed, Dan asked, "Can we do this again tomorrow night? This was fun." Haha!

1 comment:

the lewis gang said...

i love the slip 'n slide! i can't wait to get ours out. looks like you guys had a blast!!