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Saturday, June 12, 2010

Tee-ball Game #6

It was another hot and humid afternoon at the tee-ball field. The kids are improving SO MUCH each week that it's amazing.
At one point, all of the infielders were looking at the batter and had their gloves down and ready to catch a ball.
Gabriel still likes batting and running the best.
I think he likes the cheers from the crowd as he runs around the bases. He still waits to be told when to run and where to run to though.
It still takes a little time to get the team together to do the high 5's after the game.
They are SO excited after the game to see what the snack it. I think that's the only reason Gabriel really likes tee-ball --- it's all about snacks. Haha!

1 comment:

the lewis gang said...

yes! snacks! snacks! snacks! ha! way to go, gabe! i'd like to hit and run too if everyone would cheer my name and clap for me! :)