The Cincy Zoo is a really nice zoo. There were many animals there that I had never heard of before, much less seen. It was a perfect day for a trip to the zoo. Though it was hot in the sun, it was cool in shade and there were often nice breezes. Here is Grace inspecting an alligator pen at the reptile house.

Outside the reptile house, she pet an albino California King Snake.

At Monkey Island

This mommy gorilla was nursing her baby gorilla. After a few minutes of nursing, the baby let go and nodded off to sleep while the mommy cuddled it. Boy, if only I'd still had that power this week!

A peacock shared Gabriel's lunch.

At the Children's Zoo, Gabriel had a chance to pet this turtle. He (the turtle) was in a hurry to get out of there!

Grace played in a giant spider web with lots of other girls.

In the bird house
Denise, was that pic of the gorilla & her baby for MEEEEEE?! :)
Actually, Jaime, I didn't even think about it until you commented. Haha! I hope it didn't freak you out too much!
i love it!!! jaime, you should make that your wallpaper!!!!!!
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