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Saturday, May 01, 2010

A Lesson in Money Management

This morning Gabriel saw a commercial on t.v. for a monster truck. He told Dan that he wanted the truck, and Dan replied that he had no money to buy a truck. Gabriel informed Daddy that HE had money in his baseball bank. This turned into a little lesson in money management. First, Daddy researched the price of the truck --- $15. Then they headed upstairs to see how much money Gabriel had in his bank --- slightly over $16. Finally, they weighed the decision. Spend nearly all of the money on a truck? Or save the money in case something better comes up? Of course, Gabriel decided to spend his money on the truck. Off to Toys 'R Us we went . . .
Unfortunately, Toys 'R Us did not have the exact truck that Gabriel wanted, but Gabriel found another toy that he HAD to have. The price was the same so the purchase was made. Daddy helped Gabriel count out his money at the checkout lane. Yes, I insisted that we take HIS bank and make him spend HIS money which meant that the poor cashier has $13 in change to deal with. Oh, well . . . it was all part of the lesson. I'll post pics of the new toy later.


the lewis gang said...

AWESOME!!! Daniel is all the time preaching money management!! :)

the lewis gang said...

that was alicia

Jaime Mac said...

Great lesson to teach Gabe so early! Can B-rad come to the money management school?! :)

Jill said...

Good to start them early. ;)