Here is one of the many things that I truly adore about my boy. When he is irritated or frustrated, he is direct, honest, and to the point. He opened the the bathroom door with a frown on his face and said, "Mommy, I don't like doing Valentine cards anymore. I don't like it. I'm not going to do. It's boring." He said it very matter-of-factly. He wasn't mean, and he didn't raise his voice. He stood there looking at me, I think, waiting to get in trouble. I just said, "Okay. You don't have to." He turned and walked away. I poked my head out the door and asked, "So what will you give your friends at school on Valentine's Day?" He didn't even turn around to answer, "Just candy." And he huffed downstairs.
Another memorable moment:
As soon as we started making out Valentine cards this morning, Gabriel leaned across the kitchen table and "whispered" to me, "Mom, I'm going to make one for Grace." I gave him a thumbs up, and he got busy working in silence. Grace leaned over to me and said, "Mommy, can I make card for Gabe?" "Of course," I told her. So SHE got busy working silently on a card for Gabriel. For probably five minutes they each worked in absolute silence. Occasionally, one of them would hold up their card so I could give them a thumbs up. Finally, Gabriel put his card behind his back and walked over to Grace. He said, "Gracie, I have a surprise for you! TA-DA!" He pulled out the card. She was so sweet . . . she acted totally surprised and told him how pretty it was. Then she gave him hers and he told her thank you and that he liked it. I just sat in awe of my kids. They DO love each other! Those sweet moments are few and far between. There is more rivalry than love most of the time, but boy, I LOVE the sweet moments!
candy is all they want anyway, mom!! ha ha!! we are going to work on ours this weekend and i see them going the same way with sam. i am sure he'll start out strong and then fizzle. we'll see!!
love the sweet moments when you just smile!! :)
that's too sweet! cherish that sibling love!!
How sweet is that?! You're raising them well, Denise! :)
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