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Lilypie 7th Birthday Ticker

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Lilypie Sixth Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Saturday, August 07, 2010

Darbi Turns 2!

We went to the Lewis's house tonight to help Darbi celebrate her 2nd birthday. It was a great kid-friendly party! There were water activities for the kids, so Daddy wrapped Grace's cast in Saran wrap and bagged it again. It still wasn't 100% effective, but we can't deny her fun outdoor activities any longer.
The Lewis's had a giant water slide in their backyard. Wow! How fun! (I'm so irritated by the random sideways pictures in my posts.)
I took more than 70 pictures, so choosing only 15 to 20 was not an easy task. I wanted to post them all so that my loyal blog stalkers could get the full effect of the fun the kids had.
There was a kiddie pool for the little kids who weren't able to climb up the water slide.

Gabriel was spraying everyone with these water sprayers. . . even himself. Silly kid!
Daniel set up a water table to play in too.
After a little time playing in water, a few of the kids wanted to swing. Daniel was pushing all three swings at once.
The menu included all kid-friendly food: chicken nuggets, fruit, green beans, and Cheetos.
Gabriel nearly licked his plate clean.
Next, we sang Happy Birthday to the birthday girl, and Janelle served birthday cake with ice cream
Here are some of the kiddos eating their cake and ice cream.
Then the kids headed back to the water!
I love this picture because Jake is spilling water on himself. His expression is hilarious.
Darbi snuggled up to Dan for a minute and gave him a kiss. So sweet!
A couple of big kids got in on the water action too. Gabriel TOTALLY deserved this attack from the water sprayer.
Grace did some more sliding with some help up the ladder from Daniel.
Darbi got some super-cute birthday gifts!
Yes, before the evening was done, Grace had figured out how to climb up the ladder to the water slide on her own. She is NOT letting a cast slow her down!
Darbi got a pair of cowboy boots for her birthday, so Jackson got his boots out too. It was so cute seeing them in their swim suits and cowboy boots.

Thank you, Lewis's, for a great party! The kids had a blast and went to bed pooped little puppies.

1 comment:

the lewis gang said...

thanks for coming!!! i'm glad your kiddos had fun. grace is too much going down the slide with her cast on! that last pic of my kids is too sweet. if i don't have one, i'm stealing it! :)