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Friday, January 01, 2010

Good Luck in 2010

I'm not sure of the origins of the traditional New Year's dinner of corned beef, cabbage, and black eyed peas, but we've had that on New Year's Day for as long as I can remember. I don't really understand how eating certain foods at a certain time of year can bring you luck. But who am I to knock tradition?
Maybe this is the reason for all of the blessings God has bestowed upon us? Family, good health, friends, financial stability, etc.
Just in case the corned beef, cabbage, and black eyed peas are part of the reason for all of these blessings, I'm not about to give up the tradition now.
I wish all of our family and friends wonderful blessings in 2010. The Ellnor household has been blessed in years past, and we certainly have high hopes for 2010 as well.
Thanks for a great dinner, Honey! Happy New Year, Everyone!

1 comment:

Jaime Mac said...

I don't know what hole I've been living in for the past 33 years, but I had NEVER EVER heard of this until my friend mentioned it today. The meal seems like a um, interesting? combination of foods, but hey - if it ain't broke - don't fix it! Many more blessings to you & yours in 2010! :)