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Monday, April 23, 2012


So let me catch you up to speed . . . .
Grace and I sent the Sea Monkeys to live in the pond on Friday evening.  Let's just say that once Sea  Monkeys become full-grown, they are pretty --- uhm --- boring.

As perfect as the timing was, we received some harvester ants in the mail on Saturday. 
As soon as we got them in the house, we got out our AntWorks Habitat and got those suckers in.  (We had told the kids that they were taking a bath when we got home, not knowing that we had our ants in the mailbox.  So when we got home Gabriel had to use the bathroom and went ahead and got undressed for his bath.  That's why we have a naked kid watching the ants.)
Of 30 ants that were shipped to us, 27 of them arrived alive.  Unfortunately, we lost a few when transferring them into the habitat.  Harvester ants pack a pretty good sting, so any that did not immediately make it into the habitat were euthanized.
They immediately got to work inspecting their new home.
In just about five minutes, they got busy digging a tunnel in the gel.  This gel in the habitat is so cool!  It is both the ants' food and hydration.  We don't have to do anything to care for them.
This evening when I got home from work --- about 48 hours after receiving them --- this is the work these busy little ants have done.  It is amazing to watch them work so hard!


A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

We had ants one time...they didn't make it. I think we fed them too much. I hope you have much better luck than we did! They were soo cool to watch build the tunnels!

the lewis gang said...

neat! that gel stuff is so cool! we may have to try that out soon!

Jami said...

Gabriel is cracking me up. That is so Cooper, you mention the word bath and clothes are off. He makes it his goal to be naked before the water starts.